Majorityrights News > Category: Law & Order

Nigeria: Power Grid Collapses for 7th Total Blackout This Year

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 18 June 2018 06:00.

Lagos, Nigeria

New Observer, “Nigeria: Power Grid Collapses for 7th Total Blackout This Year”, 17 June 2018:

Nigeria—regarded by the World Bank as an “emerging market”—has demonstrated sub-Saharan Africa’s inability to maintain an advanced Western infrastructure as its power grid collapsed for the seventh time this year, plunging the entire country into darkness.

Local Nigerian media reported a total collapse
of “all the nation’s power plants” and said that a “top executive of one of the nation’s electricity distribution companies” admitted on condition of anonymity that the national grid first collapsed on Friday.

When asked to explain the cause of the outage, he said “It’s a general thing; it is a system collapse. It happened yesterday and this morning. All the power plants were shut down.”

Another report said that data obtained
from the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing showed that the grid had collapsed seven times this year already.

“Fifteen out of the nation’s 27 power plants were not generating any megawatts as of 6am on June 9, as the collapse led to the shutdown of five additional plants, including Egbin in Lagos,” the report continued.

The management of the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company has “appealed to customers within its network not to engage in illegal connections to save lives and property.”

The Head, Branding and Corporate Communications, IBEDC, Angela Olanrewaju, who gave the warning in a statement, urged customers not to tamper with electricity cables.

According to her, the habit of tapping electrical power directly from low tension lines to power light bulbs during parties and community carnivals is illegal and should be stopped.

She said, “The act has been identified as a major source of leakages and commercial losses to the company, making it difficult for the company to account for the full monetary value of the energy received from the market operator.

Israel cajoles a drunken EU, confused of its identities, to sign-on to accepting African migration

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 14 June 2018 15:27.

Israel cajoles a drunken EU
, confused of its identities, to sign-on to accepting African migration.

Africa: What are you looking at me for? It has nothing to do with me, there’s nothing more to be said. Israel: We’re going to be deporting 40,000 African migrants, and they’re going to need some place to go. ...listen, we just don’t have enough room in our country. This is the right policy to ease the suffering in South Tel Aviv, where the evil traitors reside. My duty is to return peace and quiet to Tel Aviv and many neighborhoods across the country. In fact, it’s a national duty to protect the Jewish and democratic character of the state. Africa: No, Israel, just No! We’ve been through all of this before. I categorically told the EU in 2015 that we are not taking anyone back. Zero! Israel: Well, they’re not staying in Israel, I can tall you that. Africa: What about asking the Arab oil countries? Israel: (laughs uproariously): Oh, Africa, you crack me up! Africa: Yeah, that was a good one! Israel: Here, wake up the EU and see what she has to say on the matter. I think she’s been drinking again….

The EU: (In drunken swirl, confused about her identities) What? Huh? Did I miss anything? Israel: EU, I’m going to be sending over 40,000 unwanted Africans to you - that alright? EU: Sure, why not? Israel: You already have millions. A couple more won’t make a difference. Israel (to Africa): She doesn’t give a hoot about who enters. Africa: She doesn’t.

EU: What are you talking about? Israel: Now, we’re all signing this document. It’s irreversible and legally binding. EU: What’s going on? Israel: Do you think you can manage this? Do you think you can hold the pen?

EU: Israel!?! ..You! ..You!... uh… (giggles in nervous resignation)    ...I forgot what I was going to say.

The symbolic nationalism of The World Cup meets the undeclared imperialism of the Russian Federation

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 10 June 2018 23:03.

BBC, “World Cup 2018: Welcome with a warning for England fans in Volgograd”, 6 June 2018:

  • World Cup venue guide
  • World Cup groups and schedule
  • Do you know your World Cup squads?
  • Sword raised in power and defiance, the figure is a monument to the brutal Battle of Stalingrad, as the city was then called. It is also a reminder of a time when Russia and Britain were allies.

    But as Volgograd prepares to host crowds of England fans, that World War Two alliance is distant history.

    The political hostility that exists now appears to have dampened appetite for Russia’s World Cup.

    There were clear signs of the new reality as city residents made their annual pilgrimage up to Volgograd’s iconic war memorial to mark the anniversary of the Soviet victory over the Nazis.

    One man climbing the long flight of steps wore a T-shirt depicting Mother Russia slicing the head off the US Statue of Liberty. “Welcome to Stalingrad,” the slogan read.

    “I’m wearing this because the West is Russia’s enemy. They want to kill us all,” explained Ivan, a former history teacher. “I see that they hate us, and they have done for hundreds of years.”

    Such hostile talk is increasingly common, fed from the top by both politicians and the state-run media machine. Both now portray the West as intent on “containing” Russia as Vladimir Putin oversees the country’s “rightful” return as a global power.

    The same message came from spectators at last month’s Victory Day parade of soldiers and tanks through central Volgograd. “England was never our ally,” a pensioner in military uniform snorted. “No-one wants a strong and powerful Russia.”

    Relations were far warmer in 2010 when Russia won the right to host the World Cup.

    Then came the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Russia’s military campaign in Syria and, most recently, the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter using a military nerve agent.


    MS 13 targeting blacks to clear them out of their neighborhoods

    Posted by DanielS on Friday, 08 June 2018 23:53.


    Italy: Political Deadlock Broken as Lega Leader Salvini becomes Interior Minister

    Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 02 June 2018 15:36.

    New Observer, “Italy: Political Deadlock Broken as Lega Leader Salvini becomes Interior Minister”, 1 June 2018:

    A new cabinet deal designed to circumvent the Italian president’s political deadlock has been hammered out and today a coalition between the Five Star Movement (M5s) and the Lega Party became that country’s new government—with the all-important post of Minister of the Interior going to Lega leader Matteo Salvini, who has promised to expel the African invaders from Italy.

    The new government—appointed 88 days after the election which saw the M5s and the Lega party emerge as the two largest parties—means that Italy will now not be subjected to a new election, as the liberal Italian president Sergio Mattarella had hoped.

    The first attempt at forming a government failed when the liberal President used his constitutional powers to refuse to appoint a euro-sceptic finance minister proposed by the M5s and Lega parties.

    That crisis led to the coalition prime minster candidate, Giuseppe Conte, stepping down, and the president nominating an establishment figure to form a government.

    However, that attempt to circumvent democracy also collapsed when it became clear that the replacement government would never survive a motion of confidence in the Italian parliament.

    After renewed negotiations between the coalition partners and the president’s office, a compromise was reached over a new finance minister, and the Mattarella today swore in the new MS5-Lega coalition government.

    As before, neither the Lega leader Salvini, or the M5s leader Luigi Di Maio, will be prime minister (known in Italy as the “President of the Council of Ministers,” and instead both hold Vice President positions.

    Conte, an independent aligned to the M5s, will be President, while the Lega member Giancarlo Giorgetti will be his immediate deputy, or “Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council and Secretary of the Council.”

    Di Maio will be Vice President and Minister of Labor, while Salvini will be Vice President and Minister of the Interior.

    The new Economics and Finance minister will be the independent Giovanni Tria, and the rest of the portfolios will be divided up between the Lega and the M5s.

    Italian media reported that the lineup will face a vote of confidence on Monday or Tuesday in both houses of parliament, which it is almost certain to win thanks to Five Star and the League’s combined majority in parliament.

    Salvini previously announced that he was going to “stop the business” of illegal immigration, crack down on the smuggling networks and speed up the expulsions of illegals.

    The interior ministry includes the departments responsible for national security and public order, a fact which will allow him to easily implement his election promises, one of which—to deport half a million African invaders within a year—has now become official coalition policy.

    Salvini is also on record as saying that he opposes homo marriage, and famously once posed next to a bulldozer on a Twitter entry, with the message “We’re working for you,” a reference to an earlier promise to bulldoze all Gypsy camps in Italy, which are nests of crime and vice.

    Why Tommy Robinson Is an Idiot In the Wrong - by Julie Lake

    Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 27 May 2018 10:52.

    Why Tommy Robinson Is an Idiot In the Wrong

    By Julie Lake

    The outpouring of indignance of the vertically challenged, Zionist-lobby-funded Lutonian is in ignorance at what the ramifications are for the little girls who were the victims of the Muslim rape trial, which was still ongoing. The so called heroic act of Tommy Robinson has put the entire trial at risk of collapsing and the bastards walking free, laughing up their sleeves. Far from some heroic, brave act, persecuted by police, this is stupidity in the extreme, and this entire sorry saga has brought genuine nationalists into disrepute. If Robinson does not possess one lonely brain cell, to do what any other nationalist would do, i.e. when deciding to film the defendants arriving at court, first approach the court office to check whether the verdict was due Friday, or whether it was still ongoing, which would then make his live streaming a criminal offence, then don’t go sobbing that it’s all so unfair.

    Reporting restrictions, especially live streaming in an ongoing trial, are not there for nothing. If some amateur with a camera films defendants arriving at court in an ongoing case, streams their faces live on social media before the day’s proceedings have even started, and then adds his own perception that they are all guilty before a verdict has been reached, along with his own opinions, this can sway public opinion, along with that of the jurors, should they see it. That means, even if it has no effect on the decision of the Jury, those on trial can call a mistrial based on the claim that the premature footage did, can, or will, bias the Jury. In other words, Tommy Robinson put the trial in danger of the defendants being able to claim a mistrial due to public opinion having been swayed, and get off scot free, even if they were as guilty as hell.

                            Tommy, Live at Leeds
    For those girls and their families who have had their lives destroyed by these Muslim rape gangs, all they had left in the hope of closure was at least having the peace of mind that their rapists would see justice. The actions of Robinson, who didn’t have the brains just to check that Friday was the day the verdict was due, or whether the trial was still ongoing, could also have resulted in immeasurable hours of police manpower bringing this investigation to court being flushed down the toilet. If Robinson is so stupid that he hadn’t the nous just to check with the court and ask just one simple question, if it was the last day of the trial or whether it was ongoing, because he wants to look the hard man on social media, then his stupidity means that far from being the nationalist and champion of the victims of Muslim rape gangs that he portrays himself as, he is in fact bringing the entire nationalist movement into disrepute and damaging police investigations and closure for those little girls.

    Not only did Robinson not bother to check with the court, his stupidity held no bounds in the fact that he was on a suspended prison sentence for doing the exact same thing, for committing contempt of court over a gang rape case heard in Canterbury last year. That was another trial he put in danger of collapsing and the rapists walking free. After he was handed down that suspended sentence, and his lawyer explaining to him the law regarding filming before verdicts are reached, he believed he was so bomb-proof that he could do it again. In each of those trials, he handed the defence the golden egg from the golden goose, for the guilty to claim a mistrial based on not getting a fair hearing. This has set back all the hard work that nationalists for years have been campaigning for. For those who really don’t get this, with their tears for poor old Tommy, this is the law:

    “Statutory contempt law bans the media from publishing or broadcasting, including on the internet, any comments or information that might seriously prejudice active legal proceedings, in particular criminal proceedings heard before juries. The concern is that a juror might hear or see something outside of the courtroom that would sway him/her when he/she is deciding whether an accused person is innocent or guilty.”

    In short, once legal proceedings become “active”, it is a criminal offence for media organisations to broadcast material which would create “a substantial risk of serious prejudice” to the proceedings. Criminal proceedings become “active” as soon as one of the following has occurred: a person is arrested, a warrant for arrest is issued, a summons has been issued, or a person has been charged, and they remain so until such time as the accused has been acquitted or convicted. Furthermore, liability for statutory contempt is ‘strict’, which means that the broadcaster’s and programme-maker’s knowledge or intention is irrelevant, as is the fact that no actual prejudice was caused in a particular case – the risk of prejudice is sufficient. If contempt is committed intentionally, however, it would be punished even more severely. Common law contempt consists of any other action which is intended to interfere with the administration of justice, for example a sustained campaign by the media to influence legal proceedings. Proceedings need not be active.

    Sympathy for Robinson? He has now put two trials at risk of collapse, and destroyed the victims’ only hope of justice and closure. For what? If some clown cannot make a simple phone call to the Court, as a ‘journalist’, as he calls himself, to check that Friday was the last day of proceedings, or if it was still ongoing, to ensure he was not breaking the law in any shape or form, especially given he had already been convicted for the exact same thing and was on a suspended prison sentence that would immediately put him straight back in prison, then save your tears and save your outpouring, because we don’t want to hear it.

    Genuine nationalism is about staying within the law and checking up on the law before you undertake any activism, i.e. checking that the area you are protesting in is a public space that will give you the legal right to peaceful protest by law. This is because a nationalist in prison is a totally useless nationalist. I for one will not be banded in the same section of society that is the fame seeking world of Tommy Robinson. He is now in prison because of his own stupidity and desire for fame. Tommy Robinson has damaged nationalism and his stupidity is in part responsible for the new laws being passed through Parliament to restrict nationalist movement. Save your tears, money, and join a real nationalist party, one that has conducted itself in a manner that has avoided prison sentences for its leaders for 51 years.

    Finally, don’t even think about classifying the case of Robinson with those of political prisoners, such as Jeremy Bedford-Turner, whose was the result of pressure on the CPS, after it had ruled that he had committed no crime and that there was no case to answer. Robinson’s actions have jeopardised any appeal by genuine victims of the state like Bedford-Turner. Robinson, like Anne Marie Waters, does not care about real nationalists, the victims or those who send him their hard-earned cash, but is interested in self-promotion and fame.

    Tommy can you hear me?

    Robinson has made a laughing stock of all of you who have bought into him, and if you can’t find some champion of the people who has the nous to check with the court first by means of a simple enquiry on the phone or research reporting restrictions beforehand, then there’s no hope for you. Robinson now being in prison is not the fault of the courts, the police, the CPS, the Commie establishment, or the old woman who lives down the lane. He is there through his own stupidity, arrogance and quest for fame.

    While followers of Robinson continue to believe he simply got it wrong and being thrown back in prison, is no more than persecution of the police and state, there are those, furious that his actions, could see a mistrial resulting in the victims never seeing justice, immeasurable police hours, wasted, and the accused escape prosecution on a technicality, leaving them free to rape more children, handed to them on a silver platter, by the very person who claims he is fighting for them.

    Source, MJ Online.

    “Disparate Impact”, an evil legal doctrine in US jurisprudence.

    Posted by DanielS on Monday, 21 May 2018 23:22.

    It’s clear that (((Frame Games))), an (((interloper))) on White advocacy, is playing a (((frame game))) in which he is trying to say that Jewish abuse of “social sciences” (viz., against Whites) is an inherent problem of these disciplines (and the answer is right wing scientism against this social “left”) when in fact the problem is not inherent in these disciplines, the problem is inherent in the Jewish abuse of these disciplines. This disingenuous angle that he is taking in order to encourage right wing reaction and identity among Whites follows my hypothesis of what the YKW are trying to do - make “the left”, i.e. a proper sense of social unionization/organization of non Jewish groups, particularly Whites, against them, into “the problem”, the “enemy” - now that they have hegemony in the 8 power niches:

    1) Money 2) Religion 3) Academia 4) Media (mutating into control of internet choke points and additional tech interactive control) 5) Business/international business 6) Politics 7) Law & Courts [* add NGO’s and perhaps military tech and cyberwarfare] adding: 8) Organized Crime.

    That is, they don’t want you to do any of that lefty social organizing and unionizing now that they are on top; they don’t want you to realize that that lefty organizing of their group interests was largely how they attained hegemonic power - they want you to believe that lefty organizing is your problem; that they got to where they are through objective right wing merit, through pure objective science - lol.

    Anti-Racism is anti-social classification (unionization being one form thereof, ehtno-nationalism another, and these forms can overlap), it is Cartesian, it is not innocent, it is hurting and it is killing people.

    It blocks accountability to social historical capital and the social systemic patterns of human ecology.

    Right wingers are usually reacting to a system - and people - that they don’t want to be a part of; often quite rightly so.

    In the case of Jews, however, their right wing advocacy is motivated by not wanting You goyim to be a part of a coherent, unionized social system.

    Nevertheless, Frame Games is assimilating some of the better talking points and concerns of White advocacy; and in his attempt to ingratiate himself to White right wing reaction, he is providing some insights that we can use; such as this horror:

    Frame Games: (In the Jewish academic world he came into) “I was encouraged to put the threatening line of inquiry, my love of science and biology aside and to study law instead.

    But one of the things that first shocked me on my red pill journey was a class in Constitutional Law. I thought I’d left biology behind…

    Then we got to the section on the 1964 Civil Rights Act...

    And how THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE has been re-interpreted away from equal to where any White over representation is considered prima facie evidence of racial discrimination.

    A lot of people think of affirmative action being the exception to the equal protection clause…. if you only knew how deep it goes…

    Are you guys familiar with “disparate impact”? .....a legal doctrine

    “Disparate Impact is probably the most evil and disgusting piece of distoriionary nuclear fall-out in American jurisprudence.

    What it says is that:

    If there are racially neutral laws on the books or racially neutral practices at any corporation or government agency, if they have the effect of creating disparate impact on different groups - that is, if there are racial differences that emerge even where they are racially neutral by law, by practice, by custom, then it is presumed as prima facie evidence of racial discrimination and allows anybody to launch a civil rights law-suit against you with TREBLE -

    A law suit against you with Treble damages - that means three times damages from whatever you suffered.

    So, Disparate Impact means that no matter what you do, if you are a company, you are a solo practitioner, if you are a government agency, no matter what you do, if racial differences emerge you are liable unless you can prove, that is, the burden of proof is on you to show that you are PROACTIVELY DISCRIMINATING (for blacks/browns and against Whites, against Asians too, really, as they have to score 400 points higher than blacks on SAT’s to get the same university slots).

    This is a common law doctrine.”

    Enoch Powell’s Anti-Immigration Speech Divided Britain 50 Years Ago. It Still Echoes Today

    Posted by DanielS on Monday, 23 April 2018 00:00.

    NPR, “An Anti-Immigration Speech Divided Britain 50 Years Ago. It Still Echoes Today”, 20 April 2018:

    Heard on Morning Edition

    Britain’s Conservative Party politician Enoch Powell, right, listens to two demonstrators in Canada in April 1968, reading a petition that describes him as a “racist.“AP

    The woman who never was? Dr Burgess said, “boiling down the 200 names that we arrived at and managed to find one individual who matches most of the essential points in the letter. And I can actually put a name to the face by saying that she was Drucilla Cotterill.” Just like the pensioner Powell quoted, Drucilla Cotterill owned her own home, lost her husband in the Second World War and stopped letting out her rooms to lodgers when immigration increased. Other former residents of the street, which is now Brighton Mews, have confirmed to Document that excrement was pushed through a letterbox in this street and that nearly all those living here were black in the late 1960s.
    Mr Powell said the woman lived in his Wolverhampton constituency. By 1968 it was almost entirely populated by immigrant families, except for a 61-year-old white woman living at number 4.

    How we got here: Millennial Woes goes over the history of Powell’s speech from a native nationalist position.

    Related: London Street Scenes 1967

    Related: BBC, “The woman who never was?”, 22 Jan 2007

    Ibid. In April 1968, the United States was grieving. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a white nationalist. Cities burned with riots.

    Across the Atlantic, Britain was debating the Race Relations Act, which made it illegal to deny a person employment, housing or public services based on race or national origin.

    The law was intended to protect immigrants from Commonwealth nations, especially former colonies in the Caribbean, India and Pakistan. The first of these immigrants, 492 Jamaicans, had arrived 20 years earlier. Hundreds of thousands followed.

    “The immigrants were called over,” says Sathnam Sanghera, an author whose Sikh parents emigrated from India during that time. “There was a labor shortage. There weren’t enough people to run the factories after the war.” Sathnam Sanghera’s Sikh parents emigrated from India. “There came the idea that white people would be crushed by the rights that black and Asian people demanded,” he says.

    The immigrants were granted British citizenship and helped rebuild Britain after World War II. But they faced racism. Landlords wouldn’t rent to them. Some employers turned them away.

    Tarsem Singh Sandhu, then a 23-year-old bus driver, lost his job when he refused to remove the turban he wore as part of his Sikh religion.

    The Race Relations Act was intended to protect immigrants like him.

    “But there came the idea that white people would be crushed by the rights that black and Asian people demanded,” Sanghera recalls.

    The tension was especially obvious in Sanghera’s hometown, Wolverhampton, in England’s West Midlands, which he calls “one of the first cities in Britain to experience mass immigration.”

    “A match onto gunpowder”

    Enoch Powell, who represented Wolverhampton in Parliament, feared a race war coming because of mass immigration.

    On April 20, 1968, he took the stage at a Conservative Party event at the Midlands Hotel in Birmingham and gave an incendiary speech that would come to define him — and divide his country.

    Even now, 50 years later, there was outcry in the U.K. when BBC Radio 4 decided to broadcast an actor’s reading of the speech last weekend.

    In the speech, Powell warned, “That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic ... is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect.”

    He attacked the bill that outlawed discrimination. He said it was whites who were facing deprivation and that Britain “must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting” large numbers of immigrants to enter.

    “The discrimination and the deprivation, the sense of alarm and of resentment, lies not with the immigrant population but with those among whom they have come and are still coming,” he said. “This is why to enact legislation of the kind before Parliament at this moment is to risk throwing a match onto gunpowder.”

    Smithfield meat porters march to Parliament to hand in a petition backing British politician Enoch Powell, on April 25, 1968, five days after Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech.

    He quoted a constituent — “a middle-aged, quite ordinary working man employed in one of our nationalized industries” — who was encouraging his children to leave England.

    “In this country,” Powell quoted the man as saying, “in 15 or 20 years, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

    “I can already hear the chorus of execration,” Powell continued. “How dare I say such a horrible thing? How dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating such a conversation? My answer is that I do not have the right not to do so.”

    Powell said inviting mass immigration was akin to “watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.”

    An “evil speech” with repercussions

    A classics scholar, Powell also quoted Virgil’s Aeneid. “As I look ahead,” he said, “I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood.’ “

    Powell’s address became known as the “Rivers of Blood” speech.

    The Times of London immediately labeled it an “evil speech.” Conservative Party leader Edward Heath dismissed Powell from the party leadership.

    “I consider the speech he made in Birmingham yesterday to have been racialist in tone and liable to exacerbate racial tensions,” Heath said.

    But polls showed a majority of Britons supported Powell. Many protested, saying, “Enoch was right.” The speech emboldened racists.


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